Chi Town
Leads Nation’s highest crime rate
For black on black …
Swept under the rug of ugly truth ,
Lap dog media ignores the city’s slain youth …
No respect for fragile life
Brutality is their cold cultured law
Meanwhile back in Washington D.C.
President, preachers and Mr. A.G.
Focusing on crucifying a fair skin innocent man
Feeding their racially divisive political plan!
You won’t hear reverend Al’s plea ,
Shouting “Justice for Darryl Green!”
Or any other murdered kid’s name…
They’re dispensable in his unholy hypocritical game !
To protect themselves in the survival fight …
Leader of the bloody town, Mayor Emanuel ,
Denies he oversees city streets of Hell!
Chi Town
Overwhelmed by corruption, thugs and drugs…
Ground soaked with mother’s tears
Mixed with her dead child’s blood!
Mr. Obama’s former ILLinois home …
Shameful display of an
American War Zone !