Friday, April 26, 2013

Texas Cries With You West

Springtime brings fields
Of bluebonnets in bloom...
Familiar sound of coyotes
Howlin’ at the moon

Starry Texas nights and
Lightning bug chases...
Laughter of children
With Popsicle faces

A friendly “Howdy”
Tip of a cowboy hat...
“How y’all doin’?”
At the Friday night dance

Hard work, hard play
Our way of life...
There are no strangers
When tragedy strikes

Last call of brave men
On that fateful day...
Won’t be coming home,
Too soon, whisked away

Fond memories now
Are all that’s left
Of those selfless souls
From the small town of West

Thousands gather together
Bidding a final goodbye...
Not a person in sight
Can boast a dry eye

Texas cries with you West
You’re not alone,
We’re in this together
Till the Lord calls us home

© Leatherman 2013


  1. Beautiful.
    I am going to West tomorrow to serve with a group from my church. Do you mind if I print this and share it.


  2. This as well is a very good piece of poetry Brenda! You have done it again. A sad but wonderful tribute to the good folks in West! Prayers for all families and for you, too! Have a perfect day!
