I look around at this place,
Rubbing my eyes
Trying to focus,
I don’t recognize Uncle Sam’s face!
Liberties disappearing
Much to a Patriot’s utter dismay,
Attacked by political weapons,
No need for a gun,
No need for a gun,
Quick with the stroke of a pen...
Hiss of a snake’s tongue!
Hiss of a snake’s tongue!
Strangers climbing broken fences scream...
"To Hell with laws, we're stealing your American dream!"
All the while big wigs talk and gloat,
"Let everyone in,
We need their vote!"
Morals gone, anything goes!
Right is wrong,
Wrong is the new right,
Scorned and mocked,
Christianity’s foretold plight!
I mourn for my America
drowning in the cess pool
Of man's greed and degradation,
Bowing my head,
I pray, "God,please save our
Unraveling Nation!"