With a poker face
Lerner states,
“My emails were lost
When my computer crashed!
I swear I’m not lying
To cover mine or Obama’s ass!”
Fat cats in D.C.
Living to scheme,
Bringing America
Down to her knees!
American borders overflow,
Ready to burst at the seams….
Obama gloats and hands out
The American dream for free!
It’s NOT free!
It’s paid for by you and me!
Everyone loves rich Uncle Sam!
You have laws you say?
We don’t give a damn!
Funny how Mr. Prez
Learns national events via
The evening news!
Sheepishly he claims,
“I didn’t have a clue!”
Did you know about Benghazi BO?
BO: “Wasn’t that about a video?”
What about Fast & Furious sir?
BO: I have confidence in Mr. Holder!”
Why did you release terrorists for a traitor?
BO: “My Muslim brothers, Oh, err, they
Had nothing to do with 3000 murders!
That young man wore his uniform with dignity”…
Right up to the point where he joined the enemy!
What about the Marine in Mexico?
BO: Oh, he made a wrong turn,
I hope that’s a lesson he learned!
And the fat cats in D.C.
Keep on scheming,
While the people’s patience
Is wearing thin and red blood is steaming!
You ask, When will this nightmare end?
To be continued...
If you vote for another Clinton!
© Leatherman 2014