Monday, August 13, 2012

The Hour of Reckoning

Love is the lifeblood of humanity
Hate is the cancer of mankind 

Evil deeds done in darkness
Will always come to light

It matters not the length of time,
The hour of reckoning
For offender it shall find

There is no place to hide
Silent crime is still a crime

Wretched souls hunger for
Worldly pleasures,
Undaunted by consequences

Lust, murder, power, greed
Stimulate the sinful senses
Though iniquity does not bleed

Oh, but when the second strikes
To meet the Maker,
What reason will suffice
To justify your reckless life

Can you show Him your face,
Or has Lucifer reserved you a place?

(C) Leatherman 2012


  1. Sounds like the last chapter of Ecclesiastes, I think. GREAT opening 2 lines. that alone could have been a poem without anything else, sort of like the short nuggets found in Proverbs.

    1. Thank you Judy. I'm not a Bible scholar, although I've admired people who could quote verses without even thinking about it.
      I write my feelings, pretty basic stuff.
      Maybe I will use the first two lines as food for thought! :)
