Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Eggshell Boards

Quiet girl born in a very loud world
Tip toed gently on eggshell boards
While others stomped across titanium floors...

Never spoke out of turn,
She was barely ever heard...
Disappearing inside her head
Where she lived a perfect fantasy...

“Do as you’re told, not as we do,
Don’t forget little one...
Obey us, or the devil
Will come after you”!

Quickly she learns,
Intuitively knows
The ones who brought her here
Were deeply wounded souls!

Passing their toxic psyche
Through angry damaged blood,
Forcing their madness
Instead of giving absolute love....

Little girl is a woman now,
Standing up and still falling down,
One thing she knows for sure,
She’ll never again have to walk
Across eggshell boards!

(C) Leatherman 2012