Sunday, December 16, 2012

For Them

Innocent child
Where have you gone?

Unexpectedly bound
For the arms of angels!

Without the sweet caress
Of your mother...

No strong hug
From your father...

Without giggles and tickles
From brothers and sisters...

No smiling farewell to
Nana and Poppa!

Not for you dearest little one...
For them!

(C) Leatherman 2012

Fallen Petals

Fresh delicate blossoms
Growing in family orchards

Loved and nourished
With tender care

A world of hope
Bright young innocence
Eager to learn and share

Youthful soul lost in
Evil’s dark shadow

Black heart’s desire
To destroy
All that grows

Plucking little buds
One by one

Fallen petals
Shall remain
Forever young

(C) Leatherman 2012

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Watching America Die

It hurts to see my country so divided
I can’t express my sorrow
In so many words
But I shall give it a try

It’s like the loss of people you love most
Your best friend ran off with
Your lover and
You've lost them both

It’s like being second place in a tournament
When you know you’re number one
Playing Russian roulette
With a fully loaded gun

It’s like your mom and dad
Splitting up and
You can't understand why
Blaming yourself
All you can do is cry

It’s like finding out you’re adopted
After 30 years
Screaming at the top of your voice
And no one hears

It’s like someone you trust
Delivering a backstabing thrust
The ones closest to you
Stomp your heart to dust

It’s like trying to save a sinking soul and
Helplessly watching them drown
Walking empty streets where
No friends can be found

It's like watching the moon fall from the sky
Seeing your purple mountain’s majesty
Destroyed from within
Hanging her head and watching her die!

(C) Leatherman 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

What Does a Temper Look Like?

I saw my tiny body lying
On the blood soaked bed....
Mommy screamed and cried for me,
"Wake up", then....
I saw her kiss my hurt little head....

"I didn't mean to do it!"
She sobbed and said to God....
"Please don't take my child from me,
I promise, I can make it stop!"

I didn't mind mommy fast enough...
Picking up my toys,
I made her lose her temper again, plus,
She said I make too much noise....

I said I'll help you find it mommy,
What does a temper look like?
It was too late to help her though,
Mommy went insanely wild!

I was only three years old
When my mommy made me die...
Jesus took me in His arms
And carried my soul away....
The only thing that makes me sad,
Although I never cry....
I didn't get a chance that day
To kiss my beautiful
Mommy goodbye!

(C) Leatherman 2012

Eggshell Boards

Quiet girl born in a very loud world
Tip toed gently on eggshell boards
While others stomped across titanium floors...

Never spoke out of turn,
She was barely ever heard...
Disappearing inside her head
Where she lived a perfect fantasy...

“Do as you’re told, not as we do,
Don’t forget little one...
Obey us, or the devil
Will come after you”!

Quickly she learns,
Intuitively knows
The ones who brought her here
Were deeply wounded souls!

Passing their toxic psyche
Through angry damaged blood,
Forcing their madness
Instead of giving absolute love....

Little girl is a woman now,
Standing up and still falling down,
One thing she knows for sure,
She’ll never again have to walk
Across eggshell boards!

(C) Leatherman 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bump in the Road

They were “Bumps in the road”
Our American President said,
Referring to four Americans
Whose duty led
To their tragic death’s...
Four souls sacrificed for what?
Democracy, vengeance or a
Movie plot?

Leaving their grieving families behind,
Shattered lives questioning why,
While our government scrambles
To create ambiguous alibis!
It was a spoof of Mohammad the prophet
Which FORCED peaceful men to kill...
Please accept our humble U.S. apology
If you will!

America’s at fault of course,
Islam loves us and holds no remorse...
That’s what our government wants you to believe,
Lead your lives in a lackadaisical dream,
Until you succumb to World dominance
By default... not by intentional connivance...

When in reality it was to even a score
For the death of AbuYahra al Libi
By U.S, drone attack in their holy war...
Al Qaeda’s second in command,
A Libyan national, Islamic revered man,
Cheif Ayman a Zawahiri confirmed,
It was a planned attack to
Watch our embassy burn...
Very well designed and set in two waves,
Meant to exact death to America....
Show despise of our western ways...

In his words once again,
Mr. Obama gives subtle hints...
“The one organizing principle is Islam”, says he...

If this continues we’ll lose the land of the free!
Ask yourself this, my American friend...
Is this how you want to see our great country end?
Must we comply to government lies?

I fear if we remain silent and comatose...
We'll all become just another
"Bump in the road"

(c) Leatherman 2012

Images are subject to copyright

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Dear Muslim Brotherhood (A satirical letter)

Muslim Brotherhood
Middle Eastern Countries
Dear Muslim Brotherhood,

I understand that you hate Americans and want to kill each one of us 1000 times, which is impossible in the first place, so I want to give you a few pointers on how to make us mad and possibly entice some of us to come after you and you’ll get your chance to kill us, but only one chance!
First of all, while you’re gathered in your caves sitting around your rock tables, sipping a nice hot cup of camel dung and date tea, plotting your next Anti American insult or attack, (mostly insults) because you have no transportation to travel to attack us!
Not for lack of desire, but because camels can’t swim that far and I’m not aware of an air force that you may have, or a fleet of ships that you’ve cleverly concealed from us!
Your decision to remain archaic has hindered your chances to any understanding of modern warfare, so sadly your choice of rock throwing or little RPG’s and AK-47’s haven’t a chance over our drones or our heat-seeking armor piercing weapons.

I have compiled several offensive and rather overused Middle Eastern tactics, which could use refreshing to perhaps become more effective in your future ranting!

Name Calling-
1-“Infidel” has been so overused that it’s lost it’s meaning and is mockingly worn on American tee shirts as a joke on you! Sort of an “In your face, you insane Jihad monkey”!
May I suggest switching back to “Capitalist Pigs”? This might tweak some American interest in your ranting!

2- “Death to America”: Again, this is getting rather lackluster, don’t you agree? It’s akin to scratching fingernails across a chalkboard at this point! You really need a new line, say for instance, “American’s eat pigs and we don’t like them because we don’t eat pigs, although we hear they are very tasty”!
Do you see how that gives you a reason to hate us? Because we can eat pigs and you can't!
The old green eyed monster has been the cause of many wars and cat fights!

3- “Mohammad is the Prophet and the Americans don’t believe us”! Well my dear terrorist, it saddens me to inform you that Mohammad was a descendant of Ismael, the bastard son of Abraham. He was also a murdering shameless pedophile. Read a history book, it’s as simple as that to clear this whole thing up! Then we can be friends!

4- Let’s talk about American Flag Burning: First of all, the American Flags that you’re burning are made in China, so maybe you’re offending the Chinese by destroying their fine products, but you certainly aren’t offending us, sorry, you’re just not!
However, I have a remedy to that problem that will help all parties involved!

Buy your American flags from an American Flag making company, that way, you will be the proud Jihaddi on your block who can say, “Look at me, I’m burning an authentic American flag, while shouting, “American’s eat pigs and we don’t like them because we don’t eat pigs, although we hear they’re very tasty”!
Plus, by buying American flags to burn, you’re generously supporting our capitalist economy, which we greatly appreciate! Your business is welcome!
Thanks and have a super day!

An average pig eating American

Monday, September 17, 2012

Oh Say Can't You See

Note: "Sing the lyrics below to the tune of "The Star Spangled Banner". It is not my intention to disrespect our national anthem, but to express the urgency to make President Obama a one term president. BLP"

Oh say can’t you see by Obama’s bold lies
That so badly he failed under his Marxist dreaming
Whose awed style and bright charm what a clever disguise
O'er his socialist cause, leaves true patriots screaming
And our pockets are bare, from the bums on welfare
Gives proof of our plight that our flag’s in despair
Oh let’s send that czar angled traitor on his way
Before the land of the free is government enslaved

(C) Leatherman 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

If Only

If only we had no eyes to see
We would be blind to inhumanity

If only we had no ears to listen
We would never hear cries of suffering

If only we had no language to speak
Against one another, we’d simply, just be

If only we had no sense of touch
Pain wouldn’t hurt us so very much

If only our skin were one color
You’d believe me when I call you my brother

If only there were no religious frauds
We would live in peace, under the one true God!

If only!

(C) Leatherman 2012

"It's ONLY a Flag"

You don’t want to be perceived as “taking sides”?...
Mr. President, do you realize how many brave Americans have died, protecting our citizen’s Inalienable rights?

Fighting and falling side by side, under their
Glorious stars and stripes!
Through bloody battles for America’s sovereignty,
Our flag continues to represent the
United States steadfast ideology...

You see our flag as a
“Symbol of oppression to the World",
While genuine patriots get choked up
When it’s beauty is unfurled...
“To offer our enemies hope and love”,
You want to change the design!
Pardon me Mr. Obama, but are you
Out of your Mind?
The American flag has earned more respect
Sir, than you, not because of it’s colors,
Red white and blue!

Because it’s a reminder every single day
Of the sacrifice Patriots have made,
It’s a comfort in the arms of the grieving, Consolation to families, when they lay their Beloved heroes in their grave...

It’s the symbol of right, home, family and honor,
The beacon of strength for America’s
Sons and daughters, as they perform duties in distant Hostile foreign lands, it’s reassurance in their hearts, It's valor at their hands.

A president briefly occupies the highest governing Office on American soil,
Where hard working people live and diligently Perform daily toil...

A position of one commanding paramount respect...
The elected voice of our nation is expected to reverently reflect
Core values of  “We the people” and our hallowed republic...

To hold in high esteem American emblems and History of victorious pride!
Not to bow down to enemies and meekly appoligize!

With arrogance you attend protests and boldly Confirm, you have no remorse watching our flag Engulfed in flames of hate and just let it burn...

Egotistically you boast of disrespect for our flag by Your spouse...
Yet you both enjoy the perks of power in the Peoples’ White House!

Constitutionalists and patriots observe you in Disbelief and  gut wrenching shame,
As you and your administration appease the insane,
Frantically demeaning America’s majestic name!

Your days in charge shall soon come to a close...
We shall rejoice upon your departure,
We won’t be morose!
You see, Mr. President, to you “It’s ONLY a flag”...
But to US it’s a sign of pride, nobility and freedom,
And you sir,
Are ONLY a man!

Mr. President; soberly I speak for my fellow American flag wavers,
We refuse to accept your example of  political Correctness and your disgraceful behavior!

We shall continue to recite OUR pledge, as WE Respectfully stand...
Placing our AMERICAN hands over our AMERICAN hearts...
Not even a president, or the world’s unsolicited Opinion can tear US apart!

You sir, convey a desire to change America’s national anthem as well!
Mr. President, by the authority of The 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution,
Barack Hussein Obama, you and your anti American Sentiment
Can go straight to Hell!

(C) Leatherman 2012

Sunday, September 9, 2012

One Voice One Choice

One voice
In the midst of madness
Speaks aloud!
One voice
In times of trouble
Shouts “There is but one choice”
Not the choice of parties
Not the choice of money
Not the choice of fraud
There is but one choice....
The choice of our Almighty
So believe what you will
Don’t worry yourself,
In time... truth shall reveal,
You cannot hide,
Your deeds shall not be
He gave you free will
To make your ultimate choice
The decision between
Eternal life
Or Eternal Hell

(C) Leatherman 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012

Sacrificial Sheep

Social unrest,
Hard working citizens
In America’s mean streets,
While self proclaimed king
Leads his faithful
Sacrificial sheep

Marines wrongfully arrested
Practicing gratis speech,
Though New Black Panthers
Threaten death to whitey
 Amazingly remain free

Hate crimes rise as
Blood boils to new highs,
Race baiter’s wicked lies
Leading to strengthen
Prejudiced narrow minds

Bias liberal media contorts
Corrupt official reports
Creating diversions for the public
“They won’t notice if we
Change the subject”

“He said this and
They said that”
Soon they’ll forget
Who said what!
Trying to cleverly confuse
With their "politically correct" ruse

Don’t be fooled by
Fast talk and alibis
That will surely guide
Our beloved country’s senseless

(C) Leatherman 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A New Day

Sunburst… shades of pink and crimson
Peeking over the distant horizon,
Birds chirp their morning prayer
To Our Lord…
Glory to the Creator

Fields of golden grain
Glisten with crystal dew hats
Swaying in a cool summer breeze
Stretching their stalks toward
The warm glowing light

Drowsy purple morning glories
Extend their delicate petals
After a long nights slumber,
Greeting the day
With a fresh spray of scent

God has chosen to give us
A new day!

© Leatherman 2012

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Gypsy Heart

Gypsy heart be still,
Fear no more… fleeting devotion,
Words of sacred oath promised
With eager love… glistening anew,
Forgotten through mundane years
By selfish fool... sadly untrue

Your journey long and arduous,
Bearing countless hidden wounds,
Searching for kindred spirit
Of bright inspiring sincerity,
In a land of shadowed masquerades
Alas… infatuation’s fading doom

Oh joy! Gypsy heart gleefully sings!
Our Lord has heard and answered
Your prayers and your dreams,
Finally to have a forever home
In the heart of an honest man
Entwined with your gypsy soul

© Leatherman 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Hour of Reckoning

Love is the lifeblood of humanity
Hate is the cancer of mankind 

Evil deeds done in darkness
Will always come to light

It matters not the length of time,
The hour of reckoning
For offender it shall find

There is no place to hide
Silent crime is still a crime

Wretched souls hunger for
Worldly pleasures,
Undaunted by consequences

Lust, murder, power, greed
Stimulate the sinful senses
Though iniquity does not bleed

Oh, but when the second strikes
To meet the Maker,
What reason will suffice
To justify your reckless life

Can you show Him your face,
Or has Lucifer reserved you a place?

(C) Leatherman 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Your'e Fired

Winds of discontent
Are blowing across our land
“We the people” are fed up
We’re taking a necessary stand

We’ve wearily watched you trash
Our United States Constitution
Did you honestly believe
There’d be no retribution

You force your unjust mandates
Against our partisan beliefs
Time for Americans to
Put you ALL out on the street

We gave you the job to
Uphold our revered laws
Your deliberate abuse of power
Was your fatal flaw

Contrary to liberal opinion
It’s not the color of your skin
It’s about your servile minions and
Your Anti American decisions

If it were up to loyal Patriots
Of the red white and blue
You’d be tried for treason and
This nightmare would be through

Come November let her people unite
Reclaim America in the fight of our lives
Joyfully we’ll shout Donald’s famous line
Pack your bags Mr. Obama “You’re fired”

© Leatherman 2012

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Black Room

That eerie feeling, you’re not alone
Petrified to move, you lie perfectly still
Feeling the weight and presence
Of something beside you
But no one else is home
You breathe very shallowly
So that you can listen in
Complete silence

Darkness heavily lingers
You strain to see the contents of
The black room
Slowly you turn your entire body
Toward this unnatural thing
Your soul is warning you
It’s pure evil

Its silhouette is strangely
Darker than the room
It’s just sitting there next to you
Not moving
Just breathing
As you gently turn toward it to see
What you’re up against
It senses your movement

Simultaneously you and
This evil presence turn your heads
Your eyes meet
You look into its flaming red eyes
Its hideous face is contorted
Not of human form
Its razor sharp yellow teeth show
As it snarls at you
It grabs you

Your alarm clock goes off
Your body jerks awake
Thank God it was just a nightmare

Or was it

© Leatherman 2012

Monday, July 30, 2012

Within My Sleeping Hours

Satan had a hold of me
Within my sleeping hours,
He crept inside my peaceful dreams
Clenching my soul with gripping power.

Although I struggled fiercely
I could not loose myself and flee,
I called upon Jesus name
“Dear Lord please rescue me”

The angel of darkness held me tight
He took away my breath,
I was paralyzed with crippling terror
I had no strength to fight!

I felt his malice and his rage
As I began to pray,
“Our Father who art in….”
That’s all I had to say!

His grip was torn
with lightning speed
His face winced in pain,
He cowered in the Holy Light 
And swiftly flew away.

© Leatherman 2012