You don’t want to be perceived as “taking sides”?...
Mr. President, do you realize how many brave Americans have died, protecting our citizen’s Inalienable rights?
Fighting and falling side by side, under their
Glorious stars and stripes!
Through bloody battles for America’s sovereignty,
Our flag continues to represent the
United States steadfast ideology...
You see our flag as a
“Symbol of oppression to the World",
While genuine patriots get choked up
When it’s beauty is unfurled...
“To offer our enemies hope and love”,
You want to change the design!
Pardon me Mr. Obama, but are you
Out of your Mind?
The American flag has earned more respect
Sir, than you, not because of it’s colors,
Red white and blue!
Because it’s a reminder every single day
Of the sacrifice Patriots have made,
It’s a comfort in the arms of the grieving, Consolation to families, when they lay their Beloved heroes in their grave...
It’s the symbol of right, home, family and honor,
The beacon of strength for America’s
Sons and daughters, as they perform duties in distant Hostile foreign lands, it’s reassurance in their hearts, It's valor at their hands.
A president briefly occupies the highest governing Office on American soil,
Where hard working people live and diligently Perform daily toil...
A position of one commanding paramount respect...
The elected voice of our nation is expected to reverently reflect
Core values of “We the people” and our hallowed republic...
To hold in high esteem American emblems and History of victorious pride!
Not to bow down to enemies and meekly appoligize!
With arrogance you attend protests and boldly Confirm, you have no remorse watching our flag Engulfed in flames of hate and just let it burn...
Egotistically you boast of disrespect for our flag by Your spouse...
Yet you both enjoy the perks of power in the Peoples’ White House!
Constitutionalists and patriots observe you in Disbelief and gut wrenching shame,
As you and your administration appease the insane,
Frantically demeaning America’s majestic name!
Your days in charge shall soon come to a close...
We shall rejoice upon your departure,
We won’t be morose!
You see, Mr. President, to you “It’s ONLY a flag”...
But to US it’s a sign of pride, nobility and freedom,
And you sir,
Are ONLY a man!
Mr. President; soberly I speak for my fellow American flag wavers,
We refuse to accept your example of political Correctness and your disgraceful behavior!
We shall continue to recite OUR pledge, as WE Respectfully stand...
Placing our AMERICAN hands over our AMERICAN hearts...
Not even a president, or the world’s unsolicited Opinion can tear US apart!
You sir, convey a desire to change America’s national anthem as well!
Mr. President, by the authority of The 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution,
Barack Hussein Obama, you and your anti American Sentiment
Can go straight to Hell!
(C) Leatherman 2012