Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Battle

Good and evil thrashing about
In the battle for human souls...

Angels and demons infinitely struggling
In an exquisite dance of strength and authority...

Razor sharp blades gleaming with lightening speed,
Only visible to the mighty warriors...
Who will win the next priceless mortal soul?

Gnashing crimson teeth snarling as the demon
Whispers promises into the wicked heart
Of a weak vessel of flesh, blood and bone,  
To fulfill dreams of power, greed and lust!

The Angel swoops down with a pure powerful force,
Tossing the demon away from the young man...
The demon hisses and rushes back,
Gripping the human with a crushing hold!

In an instant a second human lies at the
Feet of the lost young man...
Life slowly oozes from the still body...

The demon roars with delight...
The Angel embraces the lifeless human and weeps.

©Leatherman 2012


  1. Your words present a very visual picture of the battle between good and evil.

    1. Thank you Lana.I try to paint a picture with my words, in a simple manner.
