Sunday, May 6, 2012

If I Were A Liberal

If I were a liberal, I must toss aside
Common sense, and morality for all humankind
Everyone could do, as they damn well please
I would have no regrets, for any action I take
No apologies for a false statement I make
I wouldn’t have to rely on facts
Nor the blood shed from our forefathers’ back's
What is important to me, is that everyone
Is equal and free
To rely on my government, to take care of me
If I were a liberal, here’s what I’d think
Not much of that going on now
Of that there’s no need
Murder the babies, save the cons
Curse your flag, from dusk till dawn
Damn... heterosexual marriage
And Christians too
What are they thinking
Are they better than you
Support United Nations
They’re our salvation
Soldiers are obsolete
Pathetic and crude, so what if they bled
Who asked them too
If I were a liberal, I wouldn’t care
What happened to my America
Or anyone there
But I’m not a liberal
I still believe, in the home of the brave
The land of the free
I still love God, country, and my family
So call me a racist or a bigot
Or whatever you will
You’ll never change the
Way that I think, or the way that I feel
Patriotic to the core
Through and through
Forever I’ll bleed, red white and blue

(C) Leatherman 2012

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