Tuesday, February 7, 2012


What happens to the child
Carelessly conceived
Product of an act of passion
Unplanned little seed
What happens to the unborn
Some call a choice
A mistake that was made
Who has not yet a voice
Heart beat in a tiny chest
Nerves no doubt can feel 
The pain of a hard object
Agonizing silent scream 
Though blind minds can't see
The horror of the deed 
Slaughter of defenseless innocents
Without a second thought
Hide behind laws of man
Politicians that are bought
Country of hypocrites 
Shout save the whale
Save the seal, save the tree
But it's ok to kill
The human babies 
America's own legal holocaust 
Simply a procedure 
With nothing lost
Plucked from a mother's womb
Like a dentist pulls a tooth

(c)Leatherman 2012


  1. Brenda, I feel what you are saying here. A tragedy occurs everyday in this country, none worse than the loss of the silent voice from deep inside a mother's womb. Who will speak on their behalf??

    Such a tragedy! As you say, "America's own legal holocaust,"... These great innocents must be spoken for and prayed for.

    You said it beautifully!!

  2. Thank you so much John! It's such a travesty of reality!
    I know so many women that have gone thru this when they were younger, who now live with the guilt of their choice and wish they could take it back. I wanted to relay a message of the gravity of such an act of brutality, without condemnation of women who go thru this. I feel that many of them simply don't realize that their baby can actually physically feel the pain of their horrific destruction. I am a strong pro-life advocate. Yes, I realize that many women can't take care of their babies and I think adoption is a wonderful alternative. To carry a person in your body for 9 months and lovingly give it to someone who wants it, sounds so much better than killing your child and living with the guilt for the rest of your life. Sorry John, I'm passionate on this subject! I'm glad you like my poem, for I know that their will be many who won't! It's ok though, because when I write, I write to please our Lord! :)
