Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Invisible Chains

Crumbs from hands that bind you,
Deceit from THE MAN who blinds you…

Living in modern day slave quarters,
Drowning in despair’s murky waters…

Numbing the pain, you turn to drugs,
Angry and sick, surrounded by thugs…

Owned by the very ones who tell you
You’re free…
Stating, “All you have to do is
Keep voting for me!”

Government walls too steep to climb,
You settle for scraps they throw,
To sustain life…

Liars and thieves at the head of the pack,
Unapologetically stab you in the back…

This vicious cycle will never stop,
Till you break your invisible chains
And scream, “I’VE HAD ENOUGH!”

©Leatherman 2014

Never Alone

I will stand alone
Against the world
Waiting for You…

I will walk alone,
You guide
My footsteps…

I will cry alone,
You count
My tears…

I will die alone,
You promise
Eternal life…

My Lord,
Your love
Sustains my soul,
I am never alone.

©Leatherman 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

Delicate Daughters

Oh despair
Unborn girl
Not wanted
In a

One child regulation,
A death sentence
For babies of the

Gender selection
Encourages birthing boys,
As every parents’

The blood of China’s
Delicate daughters
Stain the hands of a

© Leatherman 2014

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Two Little Boys

Two little boys running hand in hand,
Playing in the streets of the Holy Land…
They laugh and giggle,
Tumble and roll,
No different in one another’s eyes,
Until adults tell them so…

Both cry when forced to separate,
No longer allowed to play,
Little boys don’t understand adults
Or their silly rules of hate…

Growing into young men,
Taught they are not the same…
Something about a piece of land
They must be willing to die for,
In God’s Name…

Their hearts spark fond memories
Of carefree days,
When kindred spirits meet in a battle
Standing face to face...

Sounds of war surround them
As they run together for cover,
Each embraces the grown man
They once called “Brother”…

Bursts of bullets find them
As they shake each other’s hand…
Their blood slowly flows together,
As two brothers die together
in the thirsty desert sand.

© Leatherman 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014

Unwitting Slave

Been told you're a victim 
From the beginning of your existence, 
Tellin you It's the pigment of your skin, 
There's no way you can ever win...

Why even try?
It's easier to blame fatalism on white...
Never been in chains yourself, 
Cept the ones created by government welfare...

Controlling  the masses is their goal, 
Played for fools,
You swallow their lies whole...

Just enough to get by,
You're an unwitting slave 
Until the day you die.

(C) Leatherman 2014

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Black Pearl

She walked onto the pier
Holding her mother’s hand…
Splashing water danced
Against the moss covered beams,
On the Sea of Japan…

Gazing with amazement at
The native lady’s Asian face,
She watched with fascination
At the beauty that surrounded her
In this oriental mystical place…

A basketful of oysters sat at
The old woman’s feet,
She sold them by the seashore
To help support her family…

“Hitotoso o erabu” pick one,
She said to the quiet child,
The girl understood somehow,
Giving the Japanese lady a very shy smile…

She chose the oyster carefully
With wonder in her big brown eyes…
When the old woman opened it
An exquisite black pearl was nestled inside…

As ancient folklore goes
The Black Pearl was made of tears
Of mythological mermaids and Heaven’s angels,
Believed throughout bygone years…

The old woman exclaimed,
It took a special person
To find the rare Black Pearl…
That day was marvelously magical
For that three year old
Golden hair girl.

©Leatherman 2014

This is a true experience from my childhood.
I can still picture that old Japanese woman’s face and
I remember how excited she got when she saw the pearl I chose.

Shattered Heart

Loving you with my soul
My body surrenders
Unyielding passion
Pheromones enticing senses
Savoring the smell of love
The taste of love
Completely ensconced
In your arms
Until you drop me
Shattering my heart
Into a thousand tiny shards
Though time has dulled
The pain
I’m still searching
For the missing pieces.

©Leatherman 2014

Monday, August 11, 2014

Holy War

Thirsty sand of paradise past
Drinks the innocent blood of victims
Of a Holy war…

“Holy war”
How can war be holy?
The purity of peace
Being ravaged by evil men…

Murdering in the name of Islam!
The very name translates to

Men, women and children,
Slaughtered for a belief,
A religion…
Egomaniacal barbarians demand,
“Convert or DIE!”

Meanwhile, back in the sands of
An American golf course,
The leader of the free world
Chips...showing no remorse!

©Leatherman 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014

Delicate Petals; Haiku (Japanese Style Poetry)

Delicate petals,
Tossed onto the hardwood floor...
And two become one.

©Leatherman 2014

To Garett and Amy

Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Chameleon

Her heart,
Like fine crystal
Shatters easily…

Pain she hides
With a smile…
A mask to show
The world…

In the solitude
Of her mind
She suffers,

Fearful of losing
All she loves,

She changes herself
Like the chameleon…
To be accepted,
To be loved…

Who is she?
Not even she
Knows anymore.


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

My Little Boy

I heard my little boy take his first breath,
I watched him master his wobbly first steps…

I held his hand while crossing the street,
I dried his tears when he scraped his knees…

I checked his closet for goblins and ghouls,
I taught him his prayers and the Golden Rule…

I cheered him on through sports and trials,
Win or lose, supporting him all the while…

I closed my eyes for a only second or two,
Now suddenly, my little boy’s feet
Fill a grown man’s shoes!


For my sons,
Garett and Ryan.
Love Mom

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Fat Cats in D.C.

With a poker face
Lerner states,
“My emails were lost
When my computer crashed!
I swear I’m not lying
 To cover mine or Obama’s ass!”

Fat cats in D.C.
Living to scheme,
Bringing America
Down to her knees!

American borders overflow,
Ready to burst at the seams….
Obama gloats and hands out
The American dream for free!

It’s NOT free!
It’s paid for by you and me!
Everyone loves rich Uncle Sam!
You have laws you say?
We don’t give a damn!

Funny how Mr. Prez
Learns national events via
The evening news!
Sheepishly he claims,
“I didn’t have a clue!”

Did you know about Benghazi BO?
BO: “Wasn’t that about a video?”

What about Fast & Furious sir?
BO: I have confidence in Mr. Holder!”

Why did you release terrorists for a traitor?
BO: “My Muslim brothers, Oh, err, they
Had nothing to do with 3000 murders!
That young man wore his uniform with dignity”…
Right up to the point where he joined the enemy!

What about the Marine in Mexico?
BO: Oh, he made a wrong turn,
I hope that’s a lesson he learned!

And the fat cats in D.C.
Keep on scheming,
While the people’s patience
Is wearing thin and red blood is steaming!

You ask, When will this nightmare end?
To be continued...
If you vote for another Clinton!

© Leatherman 2014

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Abuse of the Innocents

Sorrow steals the laughter from once joyful spirits…
Burgeoning anguish envelopes mourning souls
Numb from the atrocity of the abuse of the innocents…

“Why”, asking God…
“Why do You allow this to happen?”
“Why take the child and not me? They were so young, so helpless!”
Hurt and anger fill the lamenting parent’s core,
Tears flow uncontrollably…

Oh how it grieves us to think of what the child suffered.
Defenseless, voiceless loving little beings at the mercy of monsters.

Cold black hearts pump evil through the veins of a child abuser.
Wretched demons, inhuman slithering snakes!
What you do in the dark will always come to light!

Changed forever, the dead child’s parents
Will never be the same.
Blaming themselves, even though unwarranted,
A dark shadow of despair clings to their soul.
The loss leaves a gaping wound where their heart once beat,
Yet they must continue to breathe and live and walk and talk.

God help the loved ones of a murdered child.
God curse the abuser to Hell!

©Leatherman 2014


I never got to say “I love you”
With my voice,
Or run through the house and
Make lots of noise!

I hope you know I love you so,
By the way I smiled and
Nuzzled you close….

Please don’t blame yourselves
For the evil ways of another!
I never doubted for one second
I had the very best Daddy and Mother…

I’m in the arms of the Lamb so sweet,
Watching other children playing at His feet!
We laugh and sing constantly,
The best part is when we worship Him
On bended knees!

Mommy and Daddy
I know your hearts ache,
And you don’t know how
You’ll get through another day…

I want you to know what Jesus
Whispered in my ear….
“ Maci, one day you will be with your
Mommy and Daddy again
Without anymore tears!”

©Leatherman 2014

Stop child abuse!

Friday, June 6, 2014

America, America

Beneath the surface of restraint
Red white and blue blood boils…
Patience wears exceedingly thin with
Elected traitors treacherous acts
On American soil!

Veterans fought Liberty’s battles
With honor, dignity and pride…
Now herded like condemned cattle
In long waiting lines, slowly they die.

Four murdered Americans
Whose cries for help were denied…
Instead, bring a traitor home and
Free the Taliban party of five…

Cover-ups and scandals
Run rampant in the city of D.C.,
Modern day Rome,
Greedy souls filled with shameless iniquity…

Americans divided by race
Status and mocked creed,
No longer the thread that binds
The exceptional home of the brave and
The land of the free…

Haunting echoes of our forefathers
Blowing in the wind,
Crying out to us,
“Destroy the enemy within!”

“America, America
God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good
With brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!”

What then shall be her fate?
Will Patriots rise up
Before it’s too late?

©Leatherman 2014