Friday, December 16, 2011


Palms sweating
Heart pounding
I can hear you heart
Shhh, not so loud
They will hear you too

Quick spurts of bated breath
Just the lesser side of panting
Chest expanding and compressing
Slow down lungs
They might sense your angst

Eyes flash in my direction
I’m certain they see my soul
My eyes slowly meet theirs
Can they see my fear?
I must hide it deeper inside

Think brain think!
Words jumble and race
Through you faster than
The speed of sound or light
Don’t fail to ignite

Ok mouth, brain in gear
Slows down to engage with you
Choose wisely the words
That will flow over your tongue
Like hot molten lava
Which they won’t forget

Shall it be clever?
Shall your words be humorous?
“Oh how intelligent she is” they’ll say!
You walk across the room
Smile… look into their inquisitive eyes
And say….”Hello”!

"(C)" 2011 Leatherman


  1. Wow, Brenda; very well put together. An extremely nice composition of the written word. I love your imagery and how you weave it all together. I think I understand your message here, I thought you were referring to a battle to take place for some reason, so you had me going in that direction, but the last line, "And say...Hello!" Wow, that is very, very good. Powerful ending. I am hoping with that 'Hello' all worked out well, and for some reason I think it may have. You could not have chosen a better title, "Intimidation," very profound. One of your best I would say. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Wow, I sure can relate to this poem. I agree with John -- the ending took me by surprise, but it definitely expresses the fear of reaching out and saying hello. Keep writing and sharing your poetry!
