Friday, December 16, 2011

He Came Home to Her Today


He came home to her today
Seems so long ago he went away
Left her side to fight a war
He believed in what the fight was for

He fought the fight for freedom’s sake
Knowing the danger and the risk he’d take
Young brothers fighting by his side
Mourning their fall whenever one would die

He dreams of home most everyday
His life with her back in the USA
Thinking of happy times to come
His reality is talking machine guns

She got the news just yesterday
Her true love was coming home to stay
She watched the plane land from above
It brought the flag draped box that held her love

(C) 2011 Leatherman

1 comment:

  1. This is very good Brenda and also very sad. I am somber at the moment, you took me back to some days, (not combat) but the constant training, thereof, the end is quite sad, and when I left my brothers, it always saddened me. It is never easy to lose a friend. I am still looking for one of my best buddies, I can not locate him and fear he may have been lost in 'Nam.' Please, keep up your writing, don't think it must always rhyme, but tell your story, read more poets, and recieve (which I sense you have), a general sense of the many varieties of poetry. And, kep telling your story...the world wants to know.
