Where is justice for the young mother
Who was taken from her toddling daughter
Where are cries of furious outrage
Gunned down for her meager waitress wage
Where is JJ and his obnoxious cronies
Irreverent segregating arrogant phonies
Where is justice for the young wife
Whose husband mourns her unfinished life
Brutally attacked by three worthless thugs
Left to die so they could buy drugs
Where’s the main stream media report
Is she a story they can’t viciously contort
Where is justice for the eldest girl
Snatched away from her parents world
Jacqueline Gardner was her name
But you won’t see it rise to fame
Just another invisible victim
Swept under the PC rug of the system
Swept under the PC rug of the system
Where is justice for the blameless prey
Jacqueline had no voice that fatal day
Three murderers slaughtered her for 85
As lawyers beg mercy for useless lives
Poor suspects were abused as a child
Keeping straight faces all the while
Where is justice for Jacqueline Gardner
Innocent wife mother sister daughter
Where are you one-sided two face fools
Who ethnically prefer to make your own rules
Crawl out from under your rock of fraud
Prove you’re colorblind men of God
(C) Leatherman 2012
There are no words that can adequately describe this loss.